31 January, 2023

Can I Charge My Electric Car at Work?

With increased demand, developing technology and greater availability of electric vehicle (EV) models, as well as government financial support, the EV market is rocketing with no sign of slowing down. EV sales are strong, with over 660,000 electric cars and a further 445,000 plug-in hybrids on the UK’s road. Many EV drivers are therefore wondering, “can I charge my electric car at work?” Keep reading to find out. 

EV charging at work

Many companies are seeing the growth in the EV market and realise that they need to adapt to accommodate the increase in their EV-driving employees. We are therefore seeing more and more companies installing EV charge points to allow their employees to charge their vehicles at work. Depending on the company and the site, these EV charge points can be located in a company car park, garage or another private area, providing employees with the convenience of charging their vehicles whilst at work. 

Can I charge my electric car at work?

If your workplace has EV charge points installed, you may be able to charge your electric car at work. However, this will depend on your employer and their EV charging policy. Every company or organisation is different and, therefore, will have different policies regarding who can use their electric charge points and when. 

Do I have to pay to charge my EV at work?

Whether you need to pay to charge your EV at work will again depend on the EV charging policy laid out by your employer. Some companies will allow their employees to charge their vehicles for free or may have a reimbursement scheme in place. Others may make the employee pay for their use or subsidise the charging costs.

How to find out if I can charge my EV at work? 

The best way to find out if you can charge your EV at work is to contact your employer and ask about their EV charging policy, as well as the options available for charging an EV at work. By doing this, you’ll be able to find out your options and if you will be financially responsible for the charging costs. 

How easy is it to charge an EV at work? 

If your workplace has EV charge points available to you, it should be easy to charge your EV at work. Some drivers face challenges when their employer doesn’t have a sound policy or EV strategy in place, which can lead to other vehicles taking up EV charging spaces. However, if they do have policies in place, this should not be a problem. The workplace EV charge points are likely to be compatible with your vehicle and work like any other EV charge point. Depending on if you need to pay for your charging use or not, you may need to present a payment or RFID card. We recommend talking to your employer, as all workplaces are different and will have varying policies in place.   

What happens if my employer doesn’t offer EV charging at work? 

If your employer doesn’t offer EV charging at work then it is recommended that you check for nearby public charging stations. There are various third-party charging stations available across the country, so there will likely be one close by. It would also be worth discussing the possibility of EV chargers with your company. You may be able to make a case for them being installed if you explain the employee, company and sustainability benefits, such as reduced carbon emissions, increased talent acquisition and retention, improved employee benefits etc. 

Workplace EV charging with eFaraday

Many companies have begun to install EV charge points for their employees, but some are yet to do so. If your company are looking to install EV charge points, we’d love to hear from you. We can support you with installation, grant applications and ongoing management

Call us on 0330 002 1154 or contact us online

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